Dr. Metehan Cömert is an assistant professor of Public Finance at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. He earned his Ph.D. with a dissertation entitled “Four Essays on Fundamental Issues of Public Finance: Fiscal Anthropology, the Gift, the Commons, and the Meci”. His research interests circle around fiscal anthropology, political economy, critical social theory and anti-capitalist movements. In recent years, his research has concentrated on the creation, expansion and multiplication of interstitial movements running from the particular to radically change the world. His approach seeks to introduce new perspectives, drawing from everyday practices to construct alternative paths to liberation. By posing existential and concrete questions to the public, he aims to transcend formulaic texts to constitute a theory of authentic praxis that resonates with the immediacy and urgency of contemporary issues. Dr. Cömert's recently published works are as follows:
1. Cömert, M. (2023), “Challenging Capitalism Begins in Everyday Lives: The Culture of Meci, The Gift, and The Commons”, Critical Sociology. [SSCI]
2. Cömert, M. (2023), Changing the Course of Tax Narrative: Relationality, Sociality, and Postcapitalist Possibilities, Istanbul Journal of Economics, 73(2), 645-674. [ESCI]
3. Cömert, M. (2023), Meci: Toplumsal Bir Hareket ve Anti-Kapitalist İhtimaller, Notabene Yayınları.
4. Cömert, M. (2023), Maliye Disiplininde ‘Antropoloji’ye Yer Açmak: Mali Antropoloji ya da ‘Maliye’nin Antropolojisi, içinde Kamu Maliyesinin Sosyal Teorisi: Disiplinlerarası Arayışlar, Heretik Yayınevi, Ankara, 2023.
- metehancomert@aybu.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.aybu.edu.tr/mcomert