Other, pp.1-12, 2023
ABSTRACT :In this study, a mathematical model was developed for the "first-particle" formed just after the Big-Bang explosion. The variables of the model were determined as energy, binding energy, speed, mass and frequency, and the functional relationships between the variables were also defined. This equation is then generalized to any particle. While the masses are accelerating, the volume decreases and the number of particles decreases, while the masses slow down, the volume expands and the number of particles increases. Thus, the structure of matter and the number of particles also change depending on the speed.
Two types of energies emerged from the Big-Bang explosion. The first is heat, heat or hot energy, and the other is cold or cold energy. There are at least 21 different types of matter and energy in total, at least 10 from the hot energy, at least 10 from the cold energy, and at least 1 from the transition zone in the middle of these two regions. The formation, atomic structure, number of particles and energies at each stage are also different from the others. The structure of matter in the universe, its atomic structure and the number of particles in this structure are never constant and the same. The number of particles in the energy of matter decreases or increases depending on the conditions. All kinds of visible, invisible, measured and unmeasurable energy, power and force are special forms of the first-particle