Quick Response Codes in Foreign Language Instruction: Practical Ideas and Strategies

Creative Commons License

Bakla A.

İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.19, no.3, pp.749-762, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Quick  response  (QR)  codes,  composed  of  little  black  dots,  are  handy  tools  that  are becoming  more  and  more  popular  in  our  daily  lives.  Being  commonly  found  on product  packages,  QR  codes  were  first  designed  by  a  Japanese  car  manufacturing company.  Ever  since  their  license  was  made  public,  they  have  found  their  way  not only  into  markets  but  also  into  educational  settings.  They  are  basically  used  to connect the  analogue world to the digital one and help enrich traditional hardcopy materials  commonly  used  in  language  classes.  Their  uses  can  be  as  limited  as  the creativity  of  teachers  who  are  to  use  them  in  their  classes.  This  paper  attempts  to provide a brief overview of practical techniques for using QR codes in teaching and learning of the language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing) and content areas  (grammar,  vocabulary,  and  pronunciation).  The  paper  ends  with  some recommendations for effective use. In brief, it aims to introduce innovative practices in the use of QR  codes and to provide teachers, learners and researchers some insight into their use for educational purposes.  

Keywords: QR codes, mobile learning, EFL, language skills, language areas