In the process of self-regulation of advisors: Defining the Advisor-Self


Self-Directed Learning and Advising In Language Education, 24 April 2021

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Affiliated: Yes


Most of the self-related phenomena studies involve one of three basic processes: attention, cognition and regulation. All three processes are related in that gathering attention on oneself results in self-relevant cognitions and this allows the possibility of self-regulation; therefore, “self-regulation requires both self-attention and selfcognition” (Leary & Tangney, 2012, p. 9). In this respect, the idea of giving cards each displaying an outstanding feature of individual trainees upon the completion of advising training at KUIS was made into a tradition in the following training during their advisor education program in AYBU SFL with a new group of learning advisor candidates from the same university. In the KUIS version, each card contained the Japanese character that corresponded to the specific quality each trainee displayed as observed by the trainers during their intensive training program. In the AYBU-SFL version, building on this creative idea but introducing a new perspective, specific trainee qualities were presented in caterpillar frames representing the initial phase of their transformation. The cards, presented alongside the course completion certificates, possess a sentimental value and motivate the advisors to engage in further reflection as to their advisor identities. This poster will introduce the reflective pieces in varying genres written by twenty learning advisors who have skillfully elaborated on their advisor identities referring to their most prominent characteristics as reflected in their end-of-the-course thank you and appreciation cards designed by their trainers. The audience will be encouraged to analyze how trainers’ focusing attention on the dominating characteristics of advisors’ understanding and attitude towards the science and practice of language advising effects the way the trainees’ describe their most outstanding qualities that blend smoothly with their identities as advisors and celebrate this moment of unification with their advisor selves.