Other, pp.1-5, 2024
Loss Series 1: Coping with Pet Bereavement: My Forever Love for My
Beautiful Cat, ‘Timi’ is definitely not a farewell; it is only a love
letter for my beloved cat who got lost on January 15, 2023, days after a
magnitude 5.6 earthquake hit southern Türkiye. Like my country, I was
also shaken deeply, and like the buildings, my heart almost collapsed. I
lost not only one of my students (because of the earthquake) but also
my cat. The weight of these two losses was (and has been) too heavy for
me to carry. This piece is the first of the letter series that I am
going to publish. This is my way of holding on to her memories. Since
then, I have lost many more things and people. This is how I grieve. The
next ones will be about the other losses I have experienced.