Publications & Works

Articles Published in Other Journals

Açık Bilim

Türk Kütüphaneciliği , vol.31, no.3, pp.303-304, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Düşünce Özgürlüğü

Türk Kütüphaneciliği , vol.29, no.4, pp.685-686, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Editoryal Düşünce Özgürlüğü

Türk Kütüphneciliği , vol.29, no.4, pp.685-686, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Beytepe Kampüsü Haritası Mashup Uygulaması

Bilgi Dünyası , vol.12, no.2, pp.334-346, 2010 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Büyük Dil Modelleri ve Bilişimsel Erişim

Osmanlıca Metinlerin Dijital Transkripsiyonu Çalıştayı, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 December 2023

Mitoloji Alanının Sosyal Ağ Analizi

International Symposium on Mythology, Ardahan, Turkey, 02 May 2019 - 05 January 2020, pp.1-5

Bibliographic reference list mistakes: The case of Turkish librarianship

17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019, Rome, Italy, 2 - 05 September 2019, vol.2, pp.1924-1926 identifier

Does monetary support increase citation impact of scholarly papers?

17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019, Rome, Italy, 2 - 05 September 2019, vol.2, pp.1952-1963 identifier

Atıf Klasiklerinin ve İlgililik Sıralamalarının Pennant Diyagramı ile Analizi

4. Uluslararası Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Konferansı (YBS'17), Doktora Konsorsiyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 17 October 2017 - 01 January 2018, pp.1

Environmental Literacy of Academic Librarians

European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Saint-Lo, France, 18 September - 21 December 2017 Sustainable Development

Content Based Social Network Analysis of Reşat Nuri Güntekin's Letters

Digital Humanities 2016 , Krakow, Poland, 12 - 16 July 2016, pp.1-5

100 Yıllık Arşiv İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi ŞehirTiyatroları Kütüphane Arşivi

Belediyelerin Kütüphane ve Arşiv Hizmetleri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Bursa, Turkey, 12 - 14 May 2016, pp.44

Türk Kütüphaneciliği’nde bilimsel bölümlendirme ve her bir bölümün gereklilikleri

Türk Kütüphaneciliği'nde Yeni Bir Dönemeç, Ankara, Turkey, 15 April 2016, pp.1-2

Does Scopus Put its Own Journal Selection Criteria into Practice?

15th International Conference of the International-Society-for-Scientometrics-and-Informetrics (ISSI) on Scientometrics and Informetrics, İstanbul, Turkey, 29 June - 04 July 2015, pp.1198-1199 identifier identifier

Sustainable Scientific Journal Page Layout Design The Case of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TÜBİTAK Science and Technique Journal

BOBCATSSS 2014: Library (r)evolution: Promoting sustainable information practices, Barcelona, Spain, 29 - 31 January 2014, pp.1-5

Altmetrics A Case Analysis of PLoS Article Level Metrics ALM

4th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World, Limerick, Ireland, 4 - 06 September 2013, pp.20-22

Web Personalization and Long Tail

In Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2013), Rome, Italy, 3 - 07 June 2013, pp.13-15

IPhone mobile application design: The case of Hacettepe University Libraries

15th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2011, İstanbul, Turkey, 22 - 24 June 2011, pp.95-102 identifier

Developing a Digital Repository for International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World 2011

BOBCATSSS 2011: Finding New Ways, Szombathely, Hungary, 31 January - 02 February 2011, pp.1-5

The Beytepe Campus Map

BOBCATSSS 2010: Bridging the digital divide: libraries providing access for all?, Parma, Italy, 25 - 27 January 2010, pp.1-5
Books & Book Chapters

Makaleler _ Küreselleşme: Bilgi Ekonomisinin Temel Özellikleri

in: Prof Dr İrfan Çakın a Armağan, Umut Al ve Zehra Taşkın, Editor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü, Ankara, pp.13-21, 2015



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