2001 - 2011 Doctorate
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Philosophy, United States Of America
1999 - 2001 Postgraduate
University of Alberta, Department of philosophy , Canada
1996 - 1999 Undergraduate Minor
Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Political Science And Public Administration, Turkey
1995 - 1999 Undergraduate
Middle East Technical University, Faculty Of Arts And Sciences, Department Of Philosophy, Turkey
2011 Doctorate
Aristotle’s Notions of Theoria and Praxis in Early Heidegger and Its Reverberations in Gadamer and Arendt
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department Of Philosophy
2001 Postgraduate
Death and Selfhood in Heidegger’s Being and Time
University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts, Department Of Philosophy
B1 Intermediate French
C2 Mastery English
B1 Intermediate Greek
B2 Upper Intermediate German