Articles Published in Other Journals
Assessing the Socioeconomic Impact of Stringent Containment Policies on COVID-19 Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis of OECD Countries in 2020-2021
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
, vol.13, no.2, pp.1-13, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Rethinking the role of vaccinations in mitigating COVID-19 mortality: A cross-national analysis
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi
, vol.26, no.47, pp.1173-1192, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Impact of National Gross Public Debt on COVID-19 Fatality Rates: A Study of European Countries
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi
, vol.27, no.2, pp.787-798, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The Developmental Routes Followed by Smartphone Technology Over Time (2008-2018 Period)
Bulletin of economic theory and analysis (Online)
, vol.9, no.2, pp.369-395, 2024 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
A Comprehensive Study on the Competitiveness of Governing Structures of Bulgarian Farming
, vol.11, no.12, pp.2466-2475, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Simultaneous Encouraging Effects of New Technologies for Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability
, vol.19, no.21, pp.100-120, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Diffusion Covid-19 in polluted regions: Main role of wind energy for sustainable and health
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
, vol.10, no.3, pp.2755-2765, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Socioeconomic, demographic and environmental factors and COVID-19 vaccination: Interactions affecting effectiveness
, vol.19, no.21, pp.83-99, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Does economic growth support the minimum wage? Evidences based in Turkey
Journal of Economics and Political Economy
, vol.5, no.4, pp.439-449, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Long Term Co Integrated Analysis on Turkey
International Journal of Economics and Finance
, vol.6, no.4, pp.285-293, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The Effects of Oil Prices On Inflation and Growth Time Series Analysis In Turkish Economy For 1988 01 2013 04 Period
International Journal of Economics and Research
, vol.5, no.2, pp.29-36, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Uluslararası Kredi Derecelendirme Kuruluşları ve Türkiye nin Kredi Notu Üzerine Gözlemler 1998 2013
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies
, vol.7, no.1, pp.351-370, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Okun s Law and Long Term Co Integration Analysis for OECD Countries 1987 2012
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics
, vol.9, no.4, pp.77-85, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Konut Piyasası ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi Türkiye Üzerine Zaman Serileri Analizi 2000 2012
International Journal of Human Sciences
, vol.10, no.1, pp.897-926, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Ücret Yapışkanlığı Hipotezi nin Test Edilmesi Türkiye de Asgari Ücret ve Büyüme Üzerine Zaman Serileri Analizi 2005 2012
Çalışma ve Toplum
, no.37, pp.183-210, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Economic Growth and economic development
Economic Growth and economic development, İstanbul, Turkey, 2 - 05 December 2018
Türkiye’xxde İnşaat Sektörü ve Konut Piyasası
III. IBANESS Kongreler Serisi-, Edirne, Turkey, 4 - 05 March 2017, pp.774-778
Books & Book Chapters