Aç Pars Hikâyesi'nin bağlamlı dizini ve ekler dizini

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2022

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Akartürk Karahan


Concordance index studies are based on the analysis of language elements in literary texts in terms of basic meaning, figurative meaning and context. In Lexicography, words containing the basic vocabulary of a language are examined in three different ways: indexical, regular and contextual. The first of these, "indexical dictionaries", is the most well-known among the others and is formed by arranging the words in it alphabetically and giving meaning. The second type, "regular dictionaries", is formed by bringing together words that have conceptual ties to each other. Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionaries, Term Dictionaries are among the most important of them. In the third type, " concordance dictionaries", the meanings of the items are not given, and the sentences/strings in which they are used are given either in their entirety or as long as necessary. In this study, the indexing process was carried out using the TEBDİZ index program carried out under the management of İsmail Hakkı AKSOYAK. In the study, the vocabulary of the Aç Pars Story in Altun Yaruk Sudur, which was transliterated and transliterated by Zemire GULCALI, was examined by us, prepositions, conjunctions, exclamations, stereotypes, proverbs, idioms were determined, and the meaning of each was explained together with the meaning it gained in the text. specified. Since the translation is a work, foreign words are given, groups of words formed with auxiliary verbs are taken as a whole, and with this method, the points pointed out in the text are made more concrete and understandable. Then, the appendices index was prepared and the text was translated into Turkey Turkish as underline.