Mecmūǿa-i Eşǿār Registered With The Number Of 06 Hk 3639 In The National Library (Examination-Text)

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili Ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Esma ASLAN



In the libraries, mejmuas which are registered with the title of Poem Mejmua, Mecmu'a-i Eş'ar, Mecmu'atü'l-Eş'ar are the journals which are created with certain collected verses and types. This work which is the subject of our thesis is a poem mejmua registered with the title of Mecmu'a-i Eş'ār and with the number of 06 Hk 3639 in the National Library. In our work, mejmua is introduced in detail and its transcription text is given. After the transcribed text, the poems in the mejmua are contrasted with the poems in the poet council and the poems in different sources. The established variences are shown with footnotes. The work which is the subject of our thesis is the mecmua of the poem that is registered with the title of "Mecmu'a-i Eş'ār" in the National Library. Our thesis consists of three parts; introduction, first part and second part. In the introduction, the definition of mecmua, its features, classifications and general information are given. In the first part, this mecmua is introduced in terms of its forms and content characterictics. In the second part, the transcription of this work, which is the subject of our thesis, is given and the manuscript of the work is attached.