Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2022
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Akartürk Karahan
This study is an examination on the Story of Prince Kalyanamkara and Papamkara, one of the texts of the Old Uyghur Turkish period, belonging to the Buddhist circle. His story, whose Sanskrit name is Prince Kalyanamkara and Papamkara, is one of the most well-known jokes. The original is in Chinese. It was translated into Uyghur Turkish with the name "Edgü Ögli Tigin Ayıg Ögli Tigin" in the 10th century. It was enclosed in a cave in Dunhuang and this manuscript was found by Paul Pelliot in 1908. The manuscript was first published by Clément Huart. In the sixties, James Russell Hamilton worked on this manuscript and prepared it as a doctoral thesis. It was later published in various arrangement. In this thesis, the concordance index and the appendix index of the Story of Prince Kalyanamkara and Papamkara are included. This concordance index was created by Prof. Dr. It has been prepared using the index program of the TEBDİZ project carried out by Ismail Hakkı Aksoyak. In the first part of the thesis, information about the story is given and the studies on the work are discussed. In the second part, the words in the concordance index are listed in alphabetical order and the language of the word belongs to, the structure of the word, the meaning of the word and the places in the text are shown with a regular sentence in order to be understandable, and Turkey Turkish is included with the underline method. The frequency of occurrence of the word in the text is also indicated. In the third part, there is the appendix index of the story. The suffixes of the word have been determined one by one and these suffixes have been included in the article titles. With this thesis, it is aimed to reveal the richness of meaning of the words in the text, to examine the structure of the words, the grammatical structure of the period, and to determine which language the words belong to, by preparing the concordance index and the affixes index of the Story of Prince Kalyanamkara and Papamkara in order to contribute to the studies to be made in the field of Turkish language.