Ş. Hizli Et Al. , "The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3, pp.335-342, 2010
Hizli, Ş. Et Al. 2010. The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3 , 335-342.
Hizli, Ş., Koçyiǧit, A., Arslan, N., Tuncel, S., Demircioǧlu, F., Çakmakçi, H., ... Büyükgebiz, B.(2010). The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3, 335-342.
Hizli, ŞAMİL Et Al. "The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü," Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3, 335-342, 2010
Hizli, ŞAMİL Et Al. "The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü." Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3, pp.335-342, 2010
Hizli, Ş. Et Al. (2010) . "The role of ultrasonographic hepatic artery resistive index in the diagnosis of insulin resistance in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alkolik yaǧli karaciǧer hastaliǧi olan obez çocuklarda insulin rezistansinin belirlenmesinde ultrasonografik hepatik arter rezistif indeksinin rolü." Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences , vol.40, no.3, pp.335-342.
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